Duties of Officers
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The President
- To preside at, and conduct all meetings of the Association, including the Executive Committee meetings.
- To cause the summoning of emergency meetings and other meetings either on his own initiative or in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee or at the request, in writing, of not less than 20 members of the Association.
- To direct all other officers of the Association in the performance of their duties.
- To, at his discretion, be a member or attend any meeting, of all Committees of the Association.
- To sign all adopted minutes, bank withdrawal/ transaction documents, other title and all binding documentations of the Association.
- In case of emergency, urgency, pride, honour or special condition demands, the president can summon an emergency executive or members meeting on the special issue to take a decision that best provides or protects the overall interest of the association but must brief the Executive and general meeting of the decision taken and its implication by the next scheduled meeting.
- The President shall authorize the distribution of any published information, cards, tapes, invitation, pamphlets books, leaflet, letters, etc meant for Association in any meeting after proper consultation with the publicity secretary for orderly distribution arrangement.
- The President is the head of the Association’s Secretariat and is responsible for the overall management.

Vice President
- In the absence of the President, the 1″, 2nd or 3rd Vice President, in that order, shall preside at meetings on his behalf.
- He shall perform all other duties, and have all powers of the President as long as he is presiding.
- To direct all otIn the absence of the President and any of the Vice Presidents, any member of the Executive Committee, appointed on the floor by a simple majority vote of members present, provided a quorum is formed, shall preside.her officers of the Association in the performance of their duties.
- In the absence of the President, any of the Vice Presidents or any member of the Executive Committee, members present, provided a quorum is formed, shall appoint amongst themselves any member to hold forth for the President.
- The 1st Vice President shall be the chief custodian of all the Unions physical assets and shall give a half yearly periodic report of their state or beneficial use.
- This accountability report shall be in writing and shall capture their current custody, storage, value and extent of preservation.
- The 2nd Vice President shall ensure that the Association’s auditors and Committees collect all necessary books, records and resources from other members of the Executive, necessary for performing their functions or assignments.
- The 3rd Vice President shall be the Coordinating Officer for other meetings in Lagos that the Association attends as an affiliate member
General Secretary
- To summon all meetings on the instruction of the President or on a requisition signed by not less than 20 members of the Association.
- To keep records and minutes of all meetings, as well as short summaries of all decisions and resolutions reached or taken at such meetings.
- To write and dispatch circulars, letters and other correspondences of the Association.
- To keep a roll call at meetings as well as personal data of members of the Association.
- To prepare, keep and present as needed, annual and special reports of all activities of the Association.
- To perform all other ad-hoc duties that may be assigned, from time to time, by the President or the Association.
- To be responsible for running the Secretariat of the Association and be in custody of the Seal of the Association.
- To keep an imprest account an amount to be approved by the Executive from time to time.
- Disbursement from the imprest account must be approved by a resolution at any general or Executive meeting and payment voucher duly authorized/approved by the President.

Assistant Secretary
- The 1st and 2nd Assistant Secretaries shall assist the General Secretary in the performance of all his secretarial duties and one shall act as the Secretary in the absence of the General Secretary, in their order of priority. Sun Urity munty
Financial Secretary
- Be the Secretary for finance and shall maintain a minute extract of discussion and conclusions on finance and other related matters in the meeting.
- Keep proper books of account for all Union’s receipts, payments debtors and creditors and inform members of their dues and financial obligation!
- Prepare payment vouchers for all payments approved by the Association.
- Prepare comprehensive Project Accounts, and periodical and annual financial statements of the association.
- Present Association’s financial statement at Executive and general meetings not more than 3 months following the end of each financial year.
- He shall keep in his custody payment vouchers, official stamps/ bank seal, bank statements and other financial book keeping records of members showing the Association financial position.
- The Financial Secretary shall read to members the amounts collected under various heads in every meeting and shall prepare for the Secretary the names of all the members who owe, periodically for members information and the Association necessary action.
- Shall produce and announce the list of creditors and debtors to the Association periodically and liaise with the various Town Unions executive to ensure its collection before any committee moves in if necessary.
- The Financial Secretary shall not receive/pay cash, except with the President’s special permission, directly from/to any member but shall write the receipt or payment voucher and give the member other copies to pay or to be paid with by/ to the Treasurer.
- After the meeting the Financial Secretary will cross check with the Treasurer to make sure the amount written in the triplicate corresponds with the cash receive/ paid by the Treasurer.
- He shall prepare and present bank and cash reconciliation project accounts and annual financial statement of account within 3 months notice for audit purposes, or the end of the financial year.

Assistant Financial Secretary
- He shall deputize for the financial secretary in his absence.
- He shall be responsible for verifying all financial claims in the Association as well as verifying financial positions of incoming and outgoing member or creditors.
- In the absence of the President and any of the Vice Presidents, any member of the Executive Committee, appointed on the floor by a simple majority vote of members present, provided a quorum is formed, shall preside.
- Where he is not acting as financial secretary, he shall ensure that the President signs the daily collection sheet, after it has been certified accurate and complete in requirement.
- He shall ensure that financial records are properly updated in time especially that of committees delegations and representatives.
- He shall be responsible for organizing and collecting any special levy, contribution, donations etc
- He shall keep custody of the Association money received, deposit records, and any other investment certificate or instruments, and shall also release money or cheque for payment after collecting the payment voucher or other documentation instrument before signing to initiate payment.
- He shall keep in his custody the Association’s cheque book, passbook, pay in slip, withdrawal slips and any other treasury records of the Association, physical money movement within his tenure of office.
- He shall reconcile and agree the cash in hand and banking position of the Association bank account with the Financial Secretary and his Assistant.
- With the issuance of original and duplicate receipt from the Financial Secretary to the members, the Treasurer will receive the exact money recorded in the receipt and place two official treasury stamps on the receipt indicating payment. The member will keep the original receipt, while the Treasurer retains the duplicate receipt with which to cross- check with the Financial Secretary to ensure that the amount recorded and the amounts received correspond/agree after every meeting before the amounts are recorded by the Secretary as collection for the month.
- The Treasurer shall have at anytime an amount not more than N3,000.00 as imprest unless otherwise directed.
- In his absence and that of his assistant, anybody can be appointed to collect the money but the two official stamps will not be there. The person so appointed will sign his signature on the whole receipts. At the end of the collections, he will hand over the money to the President who in turn will handover the money to the Treasurer for his deposit to the bank account of the Association.
- The Treasurer shall remit any cash received within 48 hours.

Assistant Treasurer
- The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in his duties.
- Shall act in the absence of the Treasurer or as the President may from time to time delegate his duties or any special duties. He shall only act in the absence of the Treasurer and hand over money collected to the Treasurer or pay to the account and report to the Treasurer.
Director of Social
- Shall coordinate all social and welfare activities of the Association and shall be a member of Activities Planning & Implementation Committee. He shall render a detailed report of any social engagement by the Association immediately after the event.
- Assistant Director of Social shall assist Director of Social and act in his absence.

Legal Adviser
- The Legal Adviser shall advise the Association on all legal matters
- Assistant Legal Adviser shall assist the Legal Adviser and act in his absence.
Publicity Secretary
- Be responsible for all the information and publicity works of the Association.
- Liaise with the electronic and print media on behalf of the Association.
- Arrange for press conferences and press releases, when necessary, on behalf of the Association.

Assistant Publicity Secretary
- The Assistant Publicity Secretary shall assist the Publicity Secretary in his functions and act in his absence.
- The Provost shall maintain order at meetings and all activities of the Association and shall count elections/ motion votes accurately in the meetings.
- Shall usher speakers to speak at meetings as directed by the President.

Assistant Provost
- The Assistant Provost shall assist the Provost in his functions, and act in his absence.
Co-opted Members
- The Executive Committee shall at its discretion, co-opt any member of the Association into the Committee, on ad-hoc basis)
- Each officer shall discharge with due diligence the functions usually exercised by the holder of such office.