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Meetings Etiquette

Meeting Attendance
Any Town Union member whose representative(s) fail to attend a minimum of four (4) meetings within one calendar year shall be deemed to have forfeited its membership. Such member can only regain its membership through a fresh registration and a payment of a fee of N10,000.00.

Appointment of Speakers at Meetings
Only the President or whosoever is presiding at any meeting shall have the authority to appoint or nominate speakers at meetings and generally conduct the meetings.

Lateness at Meetings
Arrival at any general meeting after the adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting shall be deemed to be late and shall attract a fine of N100.00 only.

Absenteeism at Meetings
Absenteeism from general meetings without acceptable reason shall attract a fine of N200.00 only or as may be varied by the house, from time to time. Arrival at general meetings after the closing prayer shall be considered as absenteeism. Attendance of at least one representative of a member is regarded as attendance for a whole Town Union.
The Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of April each year when the following business will be conducted:
- To appoint an Auditor
- To receive the Financial Report for preceding year
- To receive and consider the reports of the Executive Committee.
- To elect officers and members of the Executive Committee and Trustees, when due
- To deal with any special business written notice of which had earlier been given by the Executive Committee.
Conduct at Meetings/Functions
Exchange of Words
A fine of N200.00 (Two Hundred Naira) shall be imposed on any person found guilty of exchanging words or quarreling during the proceeding of the meeting or in any of the Association’s gatherings.
The guilty member(s) must be responsible for the repairs of any damage to any of the association’s or any third parties property in the course of the fighting. The guilty member(s) shall refund the innocent members the sum of N500.00 (Five Hundred Naira) paid above after the trial by the or any other body set up to try the case.

A fine of N200.00 (Two Hundred Naira) shall be imposed on any person found guilty of exchanging words or quarreling during the proceeding of the meeting or in any of the Association’s gatherings.
In the event of written information reporting a fight or quarrel involving any member(s) at a function of the Association, there shall be an investigation. If the report is found to be true, the guilty parties shall be fined according to the provision in this constitution.
Refusal to carry out duties assigned by the Association
- Any member found guilty of refusing to carry out the association's assignment willfully during a meeting or in any of her functions without acceptable reasons shall be liable to a fine of five hundred naira (N500.00).
- Any refusal to perform the Association's special assignment involving representation of the meeting or errands within and outside Lagos without acceptable reason shall attract a desi fine of N1,000.00 (One Thousand Naira). Members sent on errands outside Lagos must be given transportation allowance as approved by the Executive Committee.
- Any person(s) who fails to carry put representation as delegated by the Association and deviates from the instruction/ purpose of the representation shall if found guilty by the Executive Committee, be liable to a fine of N1,000.00 (One Thousand Naira).
- Any person who without reason fails to serve the Associations in an executive or official capacity without an acceptable reason will pay a fine of N10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira).